What is Ethereum Classic? | Beginner's Guide

What is Ethereum Classic? | Beginner's Guide

Ethereum Classic is one of the first cryptocurrencies that was created by the fork of the main Ethereum chain.

What is Ethereum Classic? Project description.

Github: https://ethereumclassic.github.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/eth_classic
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ethereumclassic/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ethereumclassic

Ethereum Classic was made by the hard fork of Ethereum. Like Ethereum, ETC is used to create smart contracts. In addition, developers intend to provide a platform for creating decentralized applications, called SDK (Software Development Kit).

  • Emerald - Wallet available for personal computers with the following systems: Windows, Linux, Mac
  • Jaxx - available for personal computers with the following systems: Windows, Linux, Mac, there is also a mobile version available for phones with the following systems: Android, iOS.
  • Guard - a mobile wallet for phones with the following systems: Android, iOS.
  • Trust - a mobile wallet for phones with the following systems: Android, iOS.
  • There are also available hardware portfolios: Trezor, Ledger
  • MyEtherWallet - browser wallet
Bitcoin Ethereum Classic
Mined coins 17 124 312 BTC 100 723 818 ETC
Speed of confirmation 9m 44s 15s
Amount of blocks 529 945 5 974 344
Reward for block 12.50 BTC 3.5 ETH
Size of blockchain 203.58 GB 20 GB GB
Algorithm SHA256 Ethash
Privacy All transaction informations are available for everyone Same as in BTC
Speed Transaction scalability is one of the problems of Bitcoin. The transaction confirmation time is even several hours or even days. The higher the fee is, the faster the transaction will go to the block. Transactions in ETC pass quickly. Blockchain has a lot of bandwidth, but also a small number of transactions compared to BTC. The average transaction time is about a minute.
Others The entire reward goes to the miners. ETC is one of the first cryptocurrencies that was created by the fork of the main Ethereum chain.
The values in the table may change.